00:05:670 - 00:05:950 - 00:06:231 - every white tick the beat is louder, your hitsound needs to reflect that.
I suggest you make your hitnormal less loud, change your current hitwhistle into a loud kick like this one
I think your current hitwhistle isnt adding much to the feedback, its not really noticeable.
If you replace the old W, need modify where you used the old one. You could just do sample-import for this new sample so you dont need modify the notes where you used your old W.
Please carefully recheck the hitsound through your map with the new samples I suggested. I only pointed out the different types of things to look out for, not every instance of it.
00:06:091 (6091|1) - to 1? just a minor thing to keep consistency (no 3-anchors)
same with 00:06:651 (6651|2) - to 4
00:14:642 - you should have a different hitnormal for this section to represent the hat. Should be different from the previous part.
This sample would be good.
The same amount of anchors would occur by doing this. I swapped 00:16:745 (16745|1) - to 1 instead
00:19:899 (19899|1,19969|2,20039|3,20109|1,20179|2,20249|3,20320|1,20390|2,20460|3,20530|1,20600|2,20670|3) - is there any reason for this
00:20:249 (20249|0,20249|3,20390|2,20390|0) - is placed with PR while the rest isn't. I'll adjust it so it doesn't look like a bunch of rolls
00:40:436 (40436|3) - for the hat (drum-hitnormal.wav)
You applied it using a sampleset change ( your timeline sampleset is normal)
The problem with this technique is that it is hard for people to mod your hitsound because it is invisible and can only be noticed when you listen to the song. I would have applied it using sample import technique (Alt + click) so it is visible to the modders.
00:44:432 (44432|1,44502|2,44712|2,44782|1) - if you want to ramp up a bit, consider making these jumptrills (split handed)
i'm not entirely sold on this one. there's a winding down type of noise i focused on with single notes, and the effect easily gets lost with a jump there because it loses a lot of contrast to the upcoming jumptrills. i know it's subtle but there aren't many notes to work with for the effect so each one counts
there's essentially the same thing at 00:51:932 (51932|0) -
as for it being on the downbeat i'm not so sure. if it's the beat before the next measure, doesn't that make it the upbeat? i wouldn't say this warrants special priority
I chose to cut down on density to put focus on the other sounds where I did put jumps. The single notes are also part of expressing those sounds, so putting kicks there would put the focus elsewhere. I also left out a jump here 00:52:212 (52212|0) -
No sir. Thanks for pointing that section out anyway, I extended the trill because it ends too early. Changed 01:08:964 (68964|0) - to 4 and 01:09:105 (69105|3) - to 4
01:16:675 - make this a double since its just like 01:16:464 (76464|2,76464|3,76534|0,76534|1,76605|3,76605|2) -
That would change the whole purpose of the layering there. The idea was to only put jumps on 02:00:203 (120203|0,120203|3) - and 02:00:483 (120483|3,120483|0) - and 02:00:763 (120763|0,120763|3) - to make the jumps match the sound which the following jumptrill goes along to
02:02:406 - For this section, if im understanding correctly:
02:02:402 ~ 02:05:777 - This is following the standard kick double snare triple pattern right
02:05:778 ~ 02:06:472 - Triple focus is shifted to the main woosh sound introduced here, right? Then 02:07:028, 02:07:857 - should be triples? Looks prominent with the woosh + snare.
This is more curiossity than anything, but it did feel off at first glance to completely drop the triple usage for ~3s despite the intensity not really changing
the change is just a priority game. i don't feel hands would be necessary when the sounds are emphasised with isolated longjacks. this doesn't match what i did around 02:12:376 (132376|0,132376|3,132376|1) - but i chose to differentiate the patterns because the sounds are different. i hope that's within reason
that said, on a closer look i think 02:07:444 (127444|2,127444|1) - should be a hand so it follows the same idea as the non-longjacky sections, so i'm changing that to [123]
The jumps follow the bassline pitch. I didn't apply this further into the slow section before this is before other sounds come in like here 02:05:148 (125148|0,125253|0,125358|0,125463|0) -
02:16:029 - With this working pretty much as a cadenza into the next section it could probably be a good idea to at some point break this massive anchor in col.1 02:16:029 (136029|0,136169|0,136310|0,136450|0,136590|0,136730|0,136870|0,137011|0,137151|0,137291|0,137431|0)
Not gamebraking but the tension when playing feels a bit too packed up there
i'd like to keep the general anchory feel but i see a cool opportunity here
changing 02:16:590 (136590|0,136590|1,136590|3) - to 234 puts more emphasis on the synth so i like this. breaks up the anchor but still keeps a good chunk of it, while adding more music emphasis. perfect!
Just like at 02:27:104 (147104|2) - there's no jump because the trills start with and end with a jump. An exception is the first trill because 02:26:824 (146824|0,146824|3) - is tied together with 02:26:683 (146683|1,146683|3) -
Same thing as with 02:27:525 (147525|3) - . There's also an isolated trill here 02:43:366 (163366|3) -
02:57:805 (177805|1,177875|1,177945|2,178015|2,178085|1) - here you are using the finish hitsound, But your sample (normal-hitfinish.wav) is actually a crash. You need hats for this part
Isn't a crash the same thing as a finish? The icon in the editor shows a cymbal and I've seen finish used for crashes before. Using a hi-hat sample for this just seems wrong, since that's not the sound it's supposed to represent. I assume you mean hi-hats when you say hats - although there could be drum equipment I don't know about yet
finish is crash, but im saying that the sound here is hat not crash.
03:03:185 (183185|2,183412|0,183483|1,183553|0,183623|1,183693|0) - i'd move this one column to the right, the trill feels more appropriate when twohanded than onehanded
03:24:581 (204581|3,204581|0,204651|1,204651|2,204861|2,204861|3,204931|1,204931|0) - are for the "double" sound on red and blue snaps like what I did here 03:31:870 (211870|2,211870|0,211940|3,211940|1,212151|0,212151|1,212221|3,212221|2,212431|2,212431|0,212501|3,212501|1) -
03:26:403 - you could make these doubles a bit scatered like you did earlier with some notes like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11173394
03:37:057 (217057|2,217127|3,217197|2,217268|3,217338|2,217408|3,217478|2,217618|2,217618|3,217758|3,217828|2,217898|3,217969|2,218039|3,218109|2,218179|3) - the hand bias is real here, 03:37:758 - move the trill to the left hand
03:48:412 (228412|2,228553|2,228693|2,228833|2,228973|2,229113|2,229254|2,229394|2,229534|2,229674|2) - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Upon further inspection, this happens in a few places because I decided to make [14] jumps for the snare sound. The anchors occur in other places too, and it seems to be kinda balanced per hand. However, I didn't make the [14] jumps very consistent, so I've nerfed the anchors from the few spots.
While I like the idea, I'm finding it hard to justify having that pattern for an extended period of time. If I add it to the repetitive start of the section, it'll feel pretty out of place compared to the rest. There's not that much difference in sound throughout the section, so for it to make sense I feel like I'd have to make the entire section that very hard pattern at 00:23:614 -. I simply find that too obnoxious, so I'll have to pass on this. However, I did spot a random hand here 04:49:113 (289113|2,289113|3,289113|0) - where I've removed 4 and moved 04:49:254 (289254|2) - to 4
Given the density in this particular section, it was difficult for me to get rid of the anchor without just moving the column. Changed it to this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11214465 although it's kinda inconsistent with how I layered the "boop boop" sounds with the jumps on [34] in other parts. It probably doesn't matter too much since there's still a distinction with the new pattern
05:13:015 (313015|0,313085|1,313085|2,313155|3,313155|0,313226|2,313226|1,313296|3,313296|0,313366|1,313366|2,313436|3) - [14][23] jumptrill? you're using so much [23][14], and this one is not warranted by the beep intro sound
The anchor (from the timestamp and on) occurs due to a two hand trill that is intentional. The anchor is not so bad as it would be if the trill was 23232, since that would create a 7 note long anchor instead of 3 and then 3. This is disregarding the section before, which I will take a look at. Well spotted
05:27:104 - oops, 05:26:894 (326894|2,326964|3) - you probably want to swap these two, but I'd repattern the section to make it go smoother
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you pointing out that the jumps are identical? Either way, I'll change 05:26:964 (326964|1,326964|3) - to [12] to match the drum jumptrill, move 05:26:894 (326894|3) - to 4 and move 05:27:034 (327034|2) - to 3. That suits the music better I think
05:50:375 (350375|3) - Based on your layering schema this could probably be doubled (same as 05:50:095 (350095|2,350095|1))
06:02:431 (362431|2,362501|3,362571|2,362641|3,362711|2) - swap please, 43434 are better than 34343 for many people
06:02:852 (362852|3,362922|2) - swap these if you do
06:42:104 (402104|1) - unsnapped notes (or at least, a weird 1/16)
That's a non-issue on my end even with the exact timestamp you posted. I don't recall holding an update back, so that's weird. AiMod reports nothing http://puu.sh/AI9y6/75caaaf97c.jpg
Okay I changed the layering because I actually missed a triplet sound. It now looks like this - the triplet sounds are highlighted https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11214547
Maybe it's harder now because of the trill but at least it makes more sense. Before, I didn't put enough emphasis on the more powerful sounds.
Mind you, the second set of triplet sounds also consists of a split trill so it won't blend in with 06:57:810 (417810|0,417810|1,417880|3,417880|2,417950|0,417950|1) - for the drum sound right after
07:31:595 - shouldn't it be like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11173556 the snaps currently i dont think matches
I overestimated the snap when working on it. Changed it to 1/6 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11173753