Really like the spread, especially the Drunk HD diff, I hope to see this mapset in the loved section!
sjkdfjksdfkjsjkdfjk whhwat thee fu cck ddi d u jkust fufkcing ssay about mm e,..,.,..,, yu olitte l bitcch/? ill hhave yio u kn wo i gradii ated to p pof my clcal s ss in ethnna v vy sealls ,,,...,,.. an d i habev ee n invole d di n nnume r ous ss ec rret rra iids oon all-quadea ,.,.,..,.,.annd i hhave oov er 300 confirme d kills. i am tra ine d in gori l la warfa r e a n d im the topf snioer in th ene ti re us a r mr ed foocces yo u are n othing tot o me bb ut ju st another traget.,,..,,...,.,. i wwil iwpe uou the fucck out with precisidoon the like s o f whic hhas never e been seen bef or re on n thi searth, mark mym fucjing wordstn yyou dhtihkn you ca nget waya wwi th saying tht shit to m,me on the intertnet?? think agaain fuc ker !! aas ww e sooeja ai am conta ting my ssecre t nettwork of spies an nd ur r ip iis being ttraced riirhg tnow sso u beetere preppare 4 th,, the storm,,....,..,,,, magggo o t .,,.,.,..,.,.,., thhe estorm tha t wipe ss out the pathe stic lit tele thin g yuo caa ll yyo ur lif f e. ur fu cu kign dead,.,.,. ,.,. kid. i can bb e an y weher any tiem ean dni ca n k il l u in ov r 7-0 way s annd dhta ts ju ss t with my baba re handsand. n no t onol y am i n iextensibely train end in unarme dbcombayt,, b ut i ihave acc ess sto the enti ire aresenal of f he unti ed states mam ri n e corsp an dni will use it tot it ti s full extent tot woippe your miserable sass off the fface of the contineuednt, u litlt eshit. if uonly u oucuold have known onwhat unhly returibution yo uo r little 'clevre;'' coommen t was abt to bring down upon n yu. ,.,.,.,,mby u wold haev held uori fuckgin tnogue..,,, but u fcuouldnt u udidint and dn now ur papying the prpice ,.,.,,.,..,.., u goddamn idiot.i will shisst fufur y all ov er u and u wiil fdrown in it. ur fucjing dead,.,,.,.,.,,.,....,.kidod sdkjfjskdfjkdsfjksdjkfjk