Wormhole : 4k tech LN difficulty for the Osu!mania LN Tournament Spring 2019
Group Stage
Additional old difficulties :
Jacks : Original difficulty , with a lot of jacks and hammers.
This difficulty is adress to players who want to improve their jacking skills .
Hp 8,2 ; pretty banal , If you die on , why not try with Half Time mod ?
OD 7,8 ; pretty banal too , I Wanted to down the standard of accuracy a bit to keep concentrate on the jack and not your 300 rainbows

However the difficulty will seem too easy for advanceds players. Here it is , try the other diff with Double Time.
Jacks (Nerf for DT mod) : means what you think aha ! The jacks are too easy and boring ? You will be challenged on this difficulty with a crazy level .
Obviously , the Double Time mod is COMPULSORY !!
Based on the original difficulty by removing hardests jacks to make the difficulty still enjoyable.
HP 8,7 ; To be sure that you have the skill to train your jacks on this difficulty . If you die , I am sorry but train your jacking and comeback later.
However , One of the hardest part of the difficulty is the beginning , I did it to keep in live just players who are able to clear this.
So , do not desesparate if you die at the beginning .
Also , by adding very easy notes in the break part , you will can recover your life . I know HP8,7 is very hard so I decide to give you this little help.
Finally , the 10-15 lasts seconds are pretty harder because It is the only one part with keeping the original pattern of the map. Obviously , I had to keep jacks on my Jacking difficulty xD
So If you can clear this with DT , your jacking training is completed ... mh , did you S it ? ;D
OD 7,3 ; And yeah , Down the OD symmetrically than the HP , for the same reason of the original difficulty , and because The challenge of clear is so hard , put a hard OD would have been stupid by me.
So , I hope a clear of this difficulty will be reward by an A rank or S rank .
All of the settings of this difficulty have been adjust for plays with the DT mod , do not forget that .
Able to S this difficutly with DT ? Your Jacking training is completed ! but ... wanna test the original difficulty with DT ?? not made for that , but go try ET

I hope you enjoy this . Have fun