00:08:309 (8309|1) - It's like a short chop so I feel like a short 1/8th LN would complement it more instead of a 1/4th LN
I thought about that as well but checked on 25% speed in the editor it definetly is a 1/4 sound due to some reverb in the song I think. I'd say they are fitting like that and also good to play in parts like here 00:11:218 (11218|2,11309|3) -
00:21:764 (21764|0) - should be on column 4? It feels very odd as a trill pattern would be better if it was more like a staircase, as the other patterns are.
I find the sudden usage of minijacks instead of 2 consecutive 1/4 LNs as before really weird when the synth is heard twice. 00:32:309 (32309|3,32400|3) - This corresponds to the synth, while 00:32:673 (32673|0) - is also supposed to correspond to the synth. It feels very weird not having them as sliders anymore, so i suppose for example leaving the other single 1/4 LNs out for normal notes would fix this consistency issue.
I switch multiple times as the song goes up and down between LNs and jacks. mostly to have some differences in the song since it is really long and would be boring to be the same. the synth is so short, I am pretty sure that single notes are as fine as column switching LNs and thanks to multiple testplays I decided to keep the jacks and even add them this early! (I only had them later in the song in the kiai part but some other modders suggested to add them earlier)
01:16:309 (76309|3) - move to column 2? Keeps the kind of movement from the jumptrill going instead of going completely on one hand. Would preserve some flow and also look nice as it is also a trill like the jumptrill but with singles.
02:49:582 (169582|3) - 02:55:400 (175400|1) - That section feels like it's lacking something, maybe implement some pitch relevancy for the quiet melody? (low notes go left, high notes go right)
Edit: *quiet synth/violin
that's a good idea, fixed it as good as I could without destroying my actual mapping idea there. I wanted to keep a line (I think they are called stairs) until this part kicks in 02:55:400 (175400|0) -
03:50:309 (230309|0) - I think a double LN trill is too much here, provided that the song doesn't change too much from the other kiai, which didn't use any double LN trills. Make it a mix of LN and normal notes? https://puu.sh/ANB2t/718b321c10.png
shortened the LN but I won't add more 1/4 jumptrill LNs because I do follow the piano at this point and not the other synth which name I do not know, excuse that please. it is like that part here 03:52:855 (232855|3,233218|1,233218|2,233309|0) -