WE NEED TO RANK THIS MAP! That's will be my first 200pp play
Not possible. Its speedup version PantyDev map (already loved section)
good map + social credit
1 miss 96% acc, почему это не ранк :(((
good map.......why this a graveyard =(
https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/446774#osu/959406 its literally sped up version of this map lol
amazing map dude, this is perfect!!!
факен кракен лучший!!1!
Good map
Legit plays better than the normal speed map.
fc nearly ss... not ranked nor loved :C
Awesome map, beautiful song <3
факин кракин сделал славу этой карте
Finally, I thought that I lost this map. Damn, if it was true, I would cry a lot
Preff F
why not loved?
Cause Original map is Loved. Not needed 2 variation map on Loved section. I told Toy and PantyDev 1 year ago not load this map to Loved.
Stolen map
This isnt a stolen map :3
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This map is really good! Love the jumps really much!
wtf delete this rn
good map
I LOVE this map ♥♥♥♥♥
I fking love this map (I FINALLY FCed IT AND IT'S FKING SS OMG)
RANK IT! pls, this map is very very good!
he didnt even map it himself
This map is way too good to not get ranked
pls rank much love ty ty
лучшая мапа блин
Rank it please
Великолепная карта !!!!
Amazing ;3
Amazing map, dunno how it's graveyarded.
stolen or not it's still fun. (i somehow can play this better than the original even though this is faster)
This map was my first 6* map :)
so god
yes it is