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вообще гламурная карта, просто блонд, я играл эту мапу как брюнеточка, полный гламурчик, и бабки и иномарочки и вообще топовый лайфстайл
goodge map
I was able to do 1500 combo in multiplayer, but nerves..... i love this map
this map feels like hp8
this is the most fun i have ever had playing osu
1 Fucking sb in the last 20 combo PAIN
same here except 1 fucking sb in the last 200 combo PAIN
i love the description lmao its fking 190bpm
190 is my comfort bpm but I run out of stamina quickly on this? It really doesn't feel like 190
this is DT but with AR9.7
A rank :D
why does this sound like 380bpm
190 bpm ? lul x)
this is how 3 minutes of nonestop stamina drain feels like, finally passed after 18 month of trying
I love this map so much
Holy shit this sucked my stamina like if it was a bbc in a hardcore video MaN
this map is starting to help me get into speed
how the fuck is this only 6.04 stars
star rating is not the actual difficult of the mapnever was...
this map is so good thank you for mapping :)
why is the ar so high
dude you're playing dt and hr, how in the world ar 9.7 is high for you?
i think it's my favorite stream map now
broooo????? nice loved
Congrats, I was waiting this map in loved
Its legit DT but not DT
Actual good 190 bpm streams
what a way to get your hand ripped apart
Double Time
this map is sooooooooo gud! 10/10!
my favorite 190bpm practice
lmao it's so fast.
Can agree with the description
My hand hurts. Fuck you. :D