0:00 Title Screen --------------------------------- Small Ln practice
0:54 Password Entry ---------------------------- slow stream practice
1:24 Intro - Part 1 ------------------------------- speed training (with some ln's)
2:08 Intro - Part 2 ------------------------------- just slow part
2:27 Intro - Part 3 ------------------------------- annoying jacks

2:35 Level Intro ---------------------------------- 3 sec... wow
2:39 Sector 1: The Witches' Forest --------- one-hand patterns training
4:00 Sector 2: The Caverns of No Return - Pinkie practice
5:27 Sector 3: Belzed's First Stronghold --- Combobreaker here!
6:23 Sector 4: The Bottomless Crevasse --- Fast Trills!
7:48 Sector 5: Aboard the Ship of Strife -- Let's test your symmetrical skill!
8:51 Sector 6: Across the Swamps --------- Something faster
9:38 Sector 7: A Long Way From Home--- actually the hardest part of marathon, also... Symetricals!
10:52 Sector 8: Belzed's Haunted Tower -- dunno
11:53 Boss Battle --------------------------------- Okay, That's the hardest part of marathon! I hope you like LN wall's
12:38 Item Collect -------------------------------\
12:41 Found Spirit / Magic -------------------- beware a 1/8 stream!
12:45 Password Display ------------------------/
12:50 Final Boss - Part 1------------------------ dunno 2x
13:47 Final Boss - Part 2 ----------------------- l2stairs
14:21 Ending -------------------------------------- Something calm...
15:46 Players Left --------------------------------\
15:52 Game Over -------------------------------- THE END
15:56 Death ----------------------------------------/