Note :
- the purpose of this map is to get rid of your 'LN-phobia'(if you have one)
- to train and learn how to LN in EASY way,
ive make sure its FC-able for ALL level- my another lazy SB script (lol, it takes 1h,just to readjusting position, scaling, behavior, easing then to make it skippable)
also remaking sfx match with the SB, ugh this is why im so lazy at SB-ing >_<
YOUR goal on this beatmap :
-to clear/pass the highest difficulty that you can
-to FC every level.
PLEASE, if you can't play it, then you are
just not ready yet!!!!
in my experience,.. player with "at least" 1450PP can already pass level1 and above
and even with
my low pp, my highest record is to pass level8 with A, and level9 with B
so if you have a higher PP than me, believe in yourself that you can do MUCH MUCH better than myself.
Some Pattern PreviewLevel 7:

Level 8:

dont worry, its easier than you ever think... its just 1/1 or 1/2 guys!