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dear you foreground eclipse remix
god map forever
kinda luv this map
to any body who knows how to count music , just a bit of advice for the piano bits.
1 la li. 2 la li. 3 la li.
How was named the original verssion this song? Cause the original one was from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, right?
might be a bit late, but it's "Dear You"
lmao ty, its never too late xD
Merami is love, Merami is life.
My first #1 <3 Won't last long, tho
Submitted:May 17, 2015 Ranked:May 25, 2015
seems legit
reported for bg
These girls are sisters lol.
bg is actually sweet, not even that NSFW compared to other perverted anime bgs out there
mmm bg mmm
9/11 Would not play again. Really didn't like it.
mashallah brother
how are the kids and the wife?
osu! needs more EvilElvis
git gud
u wot m8
osu! needs more Foreground Eclipse!
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