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Definitely a ♫ song!
great map, thanks
dafuq.....normal and it's rated insane...... xD this beatmaps it's harder than i expected
lol what is this, 2 years ago submitted... it should be ranked like only after one month, like some songs
Awesome! map man, my favorite of the last week ^_^ 10/10
this map is great
Oh my god this finally got ranked. Now go scope out the other old maps that need to be rannkeeeeeddd
That's exactly what I intend to do! I hope...
Buen easy! saque el 21 :D
Nice flow :3
Thanks! :3
Esse é o Normal mais Hard que já playei nestes últimos tempos! Amazing Kecco ♥ Amazing Touhou ♥
I don't know what you said but thanks! xD ♥
He said that this is the hardest Normal diff he played lately.