mapped by CarlosManuel1
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From 02:05:677 to 02:11:324: I think -2 is in dire need of a buff

Compare it to -1, which plays an unbroken 1/4 stream on the non-melody hand (with bursts). -2 is playing 1/1s and 1/2s


oki, i buffed it the most i could. made both hands follow the melody (one for the bells (?) other for the electronic sound) + added the snare alternating between the hands (on 7 for 1p and on 1 for 2p). i feel i cant buff it even more because the only way i would do it would be adding a note for the impactful sound every 2/1 removing the similarity of the hands making it harder to read and a 1/4 1-2-1 moment. if i were to buff it even more it would end up the same as the -1 because i would have to add the kicks and -1 is literally just the kicks for the non-melody hand

Marked as resolved by CarlosManuel1