00:20:170 (1,2) would make this a hyper for the downbeat at 00:21:137 and get rid of every hyper before that. the section before that is really calm and by not using any hypers there, the first hyper on 00:20:170 (1,2) gets significantly more impact
Removed hypers before reaching 00:20:170 (1,2) and added hyper to highlight the transition of the note from 00:20:170 (1,2) to 00:21:137
00:36:620 - 00:38:072 simmilar to #4848090 i would not use any hypers here because the section is really calm and patterns like 00:37:588 (6,7,8,9) make for bad contrast to more intense parts
The hypers in the mentioned sections were removed, for section 03:01:056 (1,2), it remains similar to the initial section of the map
00:43:757 (6,7) would make this a hyper as well like 00:40:854 (2,3) 00:41:822 (6,7) or 00:42:790 (2,3)
same for 00:48:596 (2,3) 00:51:499 (6,7) 00:53:435 (3,4) 00:57:306 (6,7) 00:58:274 (2,3) 01:06:016 (2,3) 01:06:983 (1,2) 01:10:854 (8,9) 01:11:822 (2,3)
okay you get the point lmao this is all across the map and very inconsistent
Hypers are added to the indicated and similar sections on the map, making the map more consistent.