mapped by Cyanara-bye
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Hype Train8 / 5
Nomination Status0 / 3
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Similar to Kantan, we check out what is expected for Kantan in the ranking criteria

  • Main snapping should consist of mostly 2/1, 4/1, or slower rhythms. Occasionally using 1/1 rhythms is acceptable.

That means Kantan is expecting, a majority of 2/1 and 4/1s (notes having 2 and 4 white ticks apart), and some 1/1s.

Currently, this map is having a number of 1/2s, used continuously, which is largely overshoot from the Kantan's definition. So, the beginning step is to remove those red tick notes first (eg. 00:04:269 - 00:08:182 - 00:10:791 - ...) then we (and other modders) can continue


Straight up I'm redoing the whole thing bc I know it's bad and I couldn't figure out how to map the parts I want and incorporate long enough breaks


i lied I think it was pretty decent upon making a couple edits (mainly removing red ticks, but some recolors and adding a couple breaks aswell)

Marked as resolved by catgirl enjoyer