no reason to have a slower SV in 01:22:770, nothing about the song's rhythm changed
oh my god wait sorry this was for 01:03:191 not 01:22:770, i hate osu
dw, im not changed this
i just rechecked the map, this also applies to 02:34:138 (i'm not gonna re-open this since it's gonna be too much)
the SV at 00:11:717 plays too early, make it start at 00:12:033 instead
why is the SV at 00:42:191 slower than the rest of the pattern? Change it to match the SV increase of rest of the pattern
add a note in 00:42:823 (preferable a kat), and also SV it
i'd match the SV speed in the break (starting at 01:13:454) with the speed at 01:22:770, same for 03:45:033, you can ignore this
no reason to SV 03:54:981 this much in a muzukashii
deleted half