00:08:206 - until 00:09:181 - i think these parts make it slightly confusing on which part you emphasize with normal notes and which part you are trying to do with triple long note, because it feels rather inconsistent here.
my recommendation is to consistently use normal note everytime there is distinct loud normal kick, to differentiate it with other sound, which makes your layering more consistent.
something like this will be preferable for layering consistency:
00:45:331 (45331|3) - think you can just make it col 5 to make consistent shield as the structure you build at 00:45:031 (45031|6,45181|5,45181|6,45331|5,45481|3,45631|3) -
00:47:206 (47206|2) - personally i think you can just turn this LN into normal note instead for several reason:
00:58:681 (58681|4,58681|1,58681|3,58681|2,58681|6) - inconsistent note count with 01:00:481 (60481|6,60481|4,60481|2,60481|5) -
01:04:981 (64981|4,65131|4,65281|4,65731|4,65881|4,66031|4) - this part seems oddly have a bit more stacked than others
i think can move 01:04:981 (64981|4) - to col 6 instead, how about it?
01:21:931 - I guess i felt awkward you sort of ignored this vocal, given you try map something like 01:24:331 (84331|3) - which have far less prominent sound.
Even if you do it intentionally but given the vocal is pretty distinct, it feels missing for me. plus you map the vocal at 02:29:131 -
01:33:631 (93631|3) - think you can change one of the note to LN to maintain the consistency with previous double 1/4 LN such as 01:32:881 (92881|2,92881|1,93181|1,93181|6) -
02:06:481 (126481|3) - 02:11:281 (131281|3) - i think both of these can be changed to normal note, emphasizing the crash , doesn't disturb your structure and give better pattern contrast as well there.
02:13:681 (133681|6,133718|5,133831|2,133868|1) - i think you can just go ham with full 1/8 LN here given that there is no clear differentiation of what you try to differentiate with 02:13:981 - , and i think sync better with current pattern idea.
03:42:481 (222481|0,222481|2,222556|4,222556|6,222631|0,222631|2,222706|6,222706|4) - i think this doesn't fit to be trill sound given 03:42:481 - have its own distinct sound and i think this one should be triple instead.