this is .. going to require a Lot of Remapping.. but i'd like to throw the idea out there anyways (you can say no)
I really think you should focus more on the vocals from 00:28:642 -> 03:16:660 (or atleast simplify them less)
i think prioritizing the instruments throughout the whole map makes it feel a little anticlimactic when the epic instruments come in later, and itd make for some epic contrast if you had vocal focus before that part
idk if its changed but its basically impossible to have reverse sliders passing through red lines as they won't line up with the timing change after ex. 00:35:069 (4) - . You can snap normal sliders with SV changes but not reversing sliders
I think stuff like 03:25:866 (14) - would be fine as RC says "Hit objects must be snapped within less than 2 ms of any timeline tick." and this slider doesn't show up as misnapped on Mapset Verifier or on AImod
Im saying this cause I had the same problem on my map and had to change rhythms to fit this