there are a couple of things im concerned with that are a bit too extreme for hard diff
starting with 00:43:394 (4,1) - this jump which is a bit sudden but could be fixed by ctrl+g 00:43:394 (4) -
next are 00:57:071 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - 01:05:806 (6,7,8,1,2) - 01:08:189 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - these sections which could definitely give a hard time to a player because it's tricky to read them and due to note density which is a bit too much
i would suggest simplifying those rhythms to make the notes less dense and having a clearer path.
perhaps with 00:57:071 - i would go with something like
it simplifies the rhythm, follows vocals and is much clearer visually if 00:58:218 (1) - is spaced out
01:05:806 (6,7,8,1,2) - could be done the similarly here, 01:05:983 (8,1,2) - feel like these are a bit too harsh for a hard, so you could just 01:05:983 - reverse this one twice
and for 01:08:189 - i would go with something like to make it a bit more dense than the rest because end of kiai but also leaving a gap at 01:09:071 - for a small break before transitioning to next section.
of course these are all just suggestions of my rhythms, i encourage you to come up with your own if you disagree or wish to change it up a little :)
everything else in diff is quite clean and consistent!
Okay, but will made a little different rhythms. If it's still seems too hard - reopen mod, i will a little change rhythm again