General check
Metadata: [Primary metadata source here](metadata source link)
Unicode Artist:
Romanized Artist:
Unicode Title:
Romanized Title:
Source: (if applicable)
Tags: copy tags here
- See "Audio check guide" by Akasha- for more information about how to read spectrograms
- Check for bloated audio
- Check that audio is not clipped or muffled
- Offset
- Metronome Resets
- Correct Timing Signature
- Preview Point
- Kiais
OD/HP: Check OD/HP values make sense
- High rice:LN ratio -> usually higher OD, and vice versa
- Heavy LN or chord jack -> usually lower HP
- File size, dimensions
- Check for quality
- Check dimensions and codec (only H.264 codec allowed).
- Check audio track is removed
- Check video offset
- Check for unused files
- Check for HS sample delay
Misc: (anything not covered in the above you noticed in the map). Often includes:
- Spread issues
- Inappropriate difficulty naming (e.g. Normal difficulty named as Easy)
- Epilepsy warning for storyboards, SB optimization suggestions
- Concluding comments if any