mapped by omg it migu
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Hype Train11 / 5
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the volumes need to be adjusted, rn 55% for the first 30s is too quiet, among other things. i'll just give a few examples of what you can do, and hopefully you can fill in the rest of the sections:

hopefully this makes sense, just make sure you're consistent with your volume changes and that it's applied the same in all diffs :)


took ages but finally i have finished the mods (and volume hell)

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

k/f/m 01:47:096 ~ 01:48:264 - there's finishers here even though there's none in the top two diffs, personally i'd be inclined to definisher all these since these sounds aren't as strong as say 01:59:564 (488,489,490,491)

either way it'd be good to have the finisher usage consistent between diffs here


yeah consistency not being there was cringe here

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

why is migu in tags XD


(should just delete as it's already in your username)


i might've procrastinated these mods for so long until the map has become graved oops (soon:tm:)


i think this demonstrates the migu-ness of the song (idk i just like having migu standalone)

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

could consider ending the kiai on 02:12:031 and start it from 02:13:589, like what you did on 00:46:316 ~ 00:47:875 -


i think its better to keep it like currently because 00:58:784 ~ 01:00:342 (and 02:24:498 ~ 02:26:057) are the same sounds and do not end the kiai, + the background instruments stay very intense like the rest of the kiai so im inclined to keep it as it is rn

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

Add tag ボーカロイド since you used katakana in tags



Marked as resolved by omg it migu