too lazy to properly write mod stuff so here's a wall of text instead
Generally speaking, seems like you've got all the fundamentals down, map follows the song pretty well, blah, etc
Main thing that can make the map better at this point is the details/more "structural" stuff
like leading into this first kiai here 00:22:221 - I would just map the 1/2 triple here to establish a repeating pattern (and also fill in 00:24:968)
then where the pattern changes at 00:26:024 with continuous 1/2 instead of triples, I would change 00:26:447 (14) to a kat to keep more of the emphasis on the downbeats, instead of having it feel like just a continuous d k d k d k d, which doesn't match this as well as other parts of the song
the use of finishers is a bit too inconsistent in some sections
01:23:489 - like in this kiai, and some of the later kiais
01:25:179 (113) - has the same finisher sound as the hits before it, while 01:26:024 (117) is arguably a weaker sound and should probably be no finisher like the same sound at 01:26:446 (118)
In general, just more stuff like this regarding consistency of mapping choices/establishing patterns of how you want to represent stuff before adding variety
A bit of a trickier issue is difficulty balancing
Right now, the second half of the map is much more difficult/generally higher intensity than the first half. While the song does grow in intensity a bit, it's not enough to justify the current gap in difficulty. Personally I'd probably add some breaks into the streams in the second half, as it'd be hard to justify raising the density of many of the earlier parts.