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If only
This song (blindly or not) hits me way more than it should lol
this song story will be good if put into a one-shot manga i think wanna see someone make one
Amazing voice, i rly like it :D osu needs Hanatan xD
i need the osu!mania mode for this song :'(
hanatan's voice is justice.
Wow great map wish I had played this sooner.
Goo PixelAngel!!
good map
more Hanatan <3
Hanatan and MuryokuP in the same music, so awesome <3
Hanatan is goddess
I knew that would happen <3 Great great map! Represents that amazing song so well~
Nice Rakuen :3 !!!
i guess you are also cool rakuen
I was waiting for this song to get ranked, thank you :D Hanatan is amazing! nvcsjakvb
Noob Rakuen rank map bojio
Hanatan! ♥
esta buenisima esta cancion
osu! needs more Hanatan :3
Hanatan's voice cures cancer
Hanatan <3
Hmm, is it just me or not but its a bit different from "Hanatan If" I have ._.
This one is new ver (different from album), she sang at niconico :D
Awesome Song & Map :3
I'd still marry Hanatan if she couldn't sing o.O?
hanatan i love u
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