mapped by BeautifulKisa
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00:00:194 ~ 01:18:194, 03:00:194 and 04:12:194 - the hitsound you used in these parts feels a bit jarring. I don't think irregular hn sample on white tick and drum on every red tick are harmonized in quite calm piano parts. could try to focus on vocals and piano using whistle (or other samples) instead of the currently used hitsound samples.

e.g. 00:00:194 ~ 00:12:194 - this part focused on piano, so you can adjust whistle on piano sounds (same logic to vocal parts)


uhh yeah will probably have to ask someone else to hs since im too dumb... who would want to hs a shit map tho.....


Format of hitsound should be used the uncompressed wav or ogg file format. RC said .mp3 should not be used as it is inherently delayed.



Marked as resolved by BeautifulKisa