mapped by Quincy
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I'm gonna leave this one open for others to decide on as this is one i'm really on the fence about. Would it just be kkk ddd, or would it be something else? I feel like it flows well as is

Marked as resolved by Quincy

whoops wrong button

Reopened by Quincy

Triplet syncs better if it starts here: 00:40:694 rather than ending on that spot


I don't know if d k ddd k or d d ddd k works better, so I'll just stick with the simplistic one. You can choose the final product if you revisit these mods.
I included both, but again, one may be better than the other.

Marked as resolved by Quincy

00:41:586 could be omitted as it's in the same pattern as the previous section. This could be used as a pattern break. Could also be used as a triplet as well as 00:41:765 - 00:41:944 however then you should remove 00:41:229


The pattern break i'm kinda on board with. It does feel a tiny bit awkward for me, but again, thats probably just me. I'll put it in.

Marked as resolved by Quincy