Guest difficulty by AlexDemon-
mapped by DizzyOracel
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00:31:446 (2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Sure you want to keep this spacing? Currently everything is set as a walk which doesn't give much emphasis to the cymbals on every beat. You can consider making 00:31:446 (2,1) a dash as a solution.


kept 00:31:204 (1,2) - as a dash for the vocal emphasis and put a dash here 00:31:446 (2,1) -

Marked as resolved by AlexDemon-

00:36:769 (3) - Consider reworking this patterning? The down beat on 00:37:011 is currently not emphasized as it is at the end of the reverse slider and the loud cymbal makes it very noticeable. You add a dash on the loud cymbals in the rest of the section, however, you decide not add a dash here. Ex:
00:38:462 (2,1) -
00:40:156 (2,1) -

I would follow this structure here as well.


In this song I have put the main emphasis on vocals, so
here 00:38:462 (2,1) - its vocal + cymbal,
00:38:462 (2,1) - same (voice starts a some seconds behind but its almost the same in salad)
and here 00:36:769 (3) - I got 3 important vocal sounds so I decided to make it a reverse slider, I think it should be fine but I want to take other opinions


I agree with Eunie here mainly because of 00:40:156 (2,1) , not emphasizing 00:37:011 with a dash feels pretty underwhelming


disagree cuz vocals arent that strong on that timestamp compared to alrdy mentioned timestamps

instead maybe nerf 00:40:156 (2,1) - to a walk for structure reasons given u follow music phrases with ur dashes (eg, the music is in 2 downbeats, high at 00:35:075 - and low at 00:37:011 - repeated, so it makes sense to somewhat keep that but change the other)


i would still implement it for consistent dash usage and because of 00:40:156 (2,1) having simmilar intensity imo. leaving out both downbeats would mean that both relatively strong vocal and cymbol would be underemphasized especially with a sliderend for the 1st one.

If not applied i think you should still make contrast between 00:36:769 00:36:890 and 00:37:011 by doing something like this:


00:47:777 (1,2) - Sure you want to keep this? The cymbals on 00:48:140 (2) - are the loudest sounds in this section but they are currently emphasized as a walk. Consider making 00:47:777 (1,2) - a dash for the loud cymbals.



Marked as resolved by AlexDemon-

01:27:212 (1) - Sure you want to follow this patterning? There is a cymbal on 01:27:333 that isn't emphasized right now. You can provide emphasis to this sound by deleting 01:27:212 (1) - and adding a note on 01:27:333. You will then be able to dash from 01:26:970 (3,1) - for the loud cymbal.



Marked as resolved by AlexDemon-