00:08:354 (1,2) - and 00:09:021 (1,2) - are you sure about using such a difficult pattern here? for a simple overdose, this is a very strong increase in difficulty due to the uncomfortable flow here. it's also not an overly intense part of the song which would require such special emphasis. when comparing those patterns to 00:13:688 (1,2) - and 00:14:354 (1,2) - which represent very similar sounds, then 00:08:354 (1,2) - and 00:09:021 (1,2) - also stand out as much more difficult. you could bring the difficulty down to a more appropriate level by using a more flowy pattern like in 00:13:688 (1,2) - and 00:14:354 (1,2) -
01:16:354 (1,2) - and 01:17:021 (1,2) - same, comparing to 01:21:688 (1,2) - and 01:22:354 (1,2) -
00:25:604 - is there any reason you have a reverse slider note here? it doesn't seem to follow any sound or act as emphasis for any other sounds, you could remove it and just have a 1/2 slider on 00:25:521 (5) - instead for better song representation
00:29:354 (6,7,1) - this pattern is extremely difficult currently to not miss on. it requires you to hyperdash between 00:29:354 (6,7) - then slow down to a walk to not miss 00:29:604, only to speed up once again in the same direction to hit 00:29:688 (1) - which is antiflow with the quick move back again. all of these movements are required within 1/4 time intervals. compared to the rest of the map, this is a huge difficulty spike and should be nerfed. you could do it by putting 00:29:688 (1) - on the other side of the playfield, which would keep the emphasis intended with the antiflow while keeping the rest of the pattern simple enough
since you followed the xylophone-ish sounds on 00:37:354 (6,7) - you could also have a 1/4 slider on 00:37:188 - to follow the sound on 00:37:271 - as well for consistency
00:38:354 (2,1) - are you sure you want to have the 0.85x distance here when you always normally did 1x? i see there are problems with playfield room here, but you could restructure 00:37:188 (5,6,7) - a bit to lead 00:37:688 (1,2,1,2) - more towards the left side of the playfield and create more room to have the consistent 1x distance here as well
there is a very strong sound on 00:42:854 (6) - while 00:42:688 (5) - is just normal intensity, so the equal hyperdash distances for both are not ideal for the best song representation. since there is also a strong sense of buildup, you could do a higher distance hyperdash than usual between 00:42:688 (5,6) - to emphasise 00:42:854 (6) - better
01:10:354 (1,2,3,4,1) - don't you think this pattern is a bit too overkill for the current difficulty? It stands out really badly as a big diff spike that I think can be reduced a bit to fit with the rest of the map a bit more
suggestion would be to make 01:10:354 (1) - vertical possibly; anything to reduce some of the antiflow here a bit
you also do it here 03:11:688 (1,2,3,4) - aswell, which makes just as little sense because the song gets more intense directly after it (starting 03:15:021 - ), but these patterns are much simpler
would nerf this one aswell
01:37:354 (6,7,8,9) - kinda inconsistent where u have double hdash here 00:29:354 (6,7) -, same for 01:40:021 (8,9) -
01:46:688 (1,2) - make this the same as 01:47:188 (1,2) - ? so that the first two start from the left and the last two start from the right
01:47:688 (3,4,5,6,1) - you currently have an antiflow before the hyperdash to 01:48:021 (5) giving it extra emphasis, while 01:48:354 (1) has a flow pattern giving it less emphasis, despite 01:48:354 being clearly the more intense sound compared to 01:48:021. you could improve emphasis by either just making 01:47:688 (3,4) flow better or if you want to use the antiflow, could rather add it on 01:48:021 (5,6) instead
01:50:854 (7) - would replace with a single note here, there's no distinct sound on 01:50:938 so having a 1/4 double here feels awkward
disagree, there's a drum sound on 01:50:938 and it feels odd to skip it here when drums were followed in the previous section. gameplay feels fine for me, but if it's too awkward for you you could map the breathing + synth sound on 01:51:021 as well to have a more usual 1/2 distance to the next note
it is more notable, but that's why it would also get a hyperdash while the other two are less intense sounds more fitting for a walk. for example, i see no reason to skip 01:50:938 when 01:50:271 (3) is mapped, while having a weaker drum sound on it. 01:51:021 is very weak and not really needed to map at all, only pointed it out because it is an option if you want the gameplay to feel a bit smoother
01:56:854 (4) - you could just do a 1/2 slider here, 01:57:188 (5) is not an overly intense sound so the overmapping is overwhelming for the lower intensity here
02:54:354 (3,4,5) - would reduce to 1.3x since the pitch is low compared to 02:55:521 (4,1,2) -
03:07:271 (2) - bit more of a minor post compared to the other one, but having this face left feels a bit weird imo, feels weirdly snappy, I think having it face right would fit the general flow of the map better (especially for similar times you mapped these drums before)
03:07:021 (1) - adjusted vertically, 03:07:271 (2) now it is to the right making it easier to follow the flow -