The set is lacking volume changes throughout the entire song, being most of the time at 70% without contrasting higher and lower intensity section, for example:
00:00:542 it's the calmer section but have the same volume level as the chorus 01:08:133
00:00:542 and 02:38:079 have the same volume level but 02:38:079 should be the loudest in terms of hitsound volume
To fix it I would recommend some differentiation in hitsounds volumes, such as:
00:00:542 - 50 or 55%
00:31:756 - 60 or 65%
00:47:364 01:59:548 - 60%
01:08:824 02:21:009 02:58:076 03:33:193 - 70 or 75%
02:36:616 03:29:291 - can be a build up type to progress from 50% > 70% to match what the songs doing
01:43:941 02:19:546 - 55 or 60%