mapped by voryun
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 29 January 2025 so it was graveyarded...
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00:03:241 (1,2) - just gonna have 1 mod here for every 1/1 slider you should have. Having 1/1 circle rhythm is very underwhelming for the start of the song, as well as its just as spaced as 00:03:872 (3,4). This can cause reading errors for players and make a very unpleasant playing experience, i suggest changin every 1/1 rhythm gap that is circles, to 1/1 sliders as it will give your map of a flow and not this stop and go sorta thing


yea i figured its kinda random, thanks for all the mods, rn im kinda unmotivated but i will try to work with those mods in the next days, thanks :D


00:15:083 (3) - this circle is following nothing, here it should be on the white tick to give feedback to the player, as this as is feels unnatural


fair, did that

Marked as resolved by voryun

00:15:399 (4) - try to have active rhythm here, meaning, make it a clickable like a slider head or a circle, the passive rhythm here is not significant to justify it here


fair enough

Marked as resolved by voryun

00:23:451 (1) - 00:33:557 (7) this whole section is waaaaaay to dense compared to the the start of the song, honestly, what you did there is how the beginning should be and vise versa. You want less intense sections to be more calm, not the other way around.


yea that section is driving me insane because i know its overmapped but since i already mapped it, im having a hard time imagining how i can map it more "simple"


just look at how you mapped the start, map it like that


working on it, im not finished yet but i get what you mean and i will work it out, thanks

Marked as resolved by voryun