mapped by [Kagamine Rin]
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00:49:846 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this type of spacing doesn't really make sense here. The song is just starting to get intense and you're using stream patterns that suggest there's something very intense going on in the song. To me this type of pattern would fit more towards the end of this build up section (00:55:121 - 00:56:439 - ) or somewhere in the kiai. I'd suggest nerfing this whole pattern but it would probably also be fine if you just reduced the spacings in these two parts 00:49:846 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i.e. pulling 00:49:928 (2,3) - more to the right and 00:50:258 (2,3) - more to the left.


reduced the spacings as mentioned for now i might remap that part but for now i just reduce spacings

Marked as resolved by [Kagamine Rin]

00:59:571 (6,7) - this plays extremely awkwardly coming right out of 00:59:077 (1,2,3,4,5) -. The spacing is too small so it feels like you have to stop for a bit just to catch it. It killed my momentum and totally threw me off while playing. You should definitely consider increasing the spacing to 1.00x to make it more easily catchable without having to stop weirdly. And while this does kill the hyper between 00:59:654 (7,8) - you can simply grab 00:59:736 (8) - by the head and tilt it until its a hyper again. It doesn't change the gameplay of the slider to a noticeable degree.



Marked as resolved by [Kagamine Rin]