9/22:Added Zileni's fix on h-dashes and flow
Added BlackBN's tip on flow (harsh dash was uncomfortable & 1/2 slider shape control)
Fixed Offset from fayew
Changed BG from Pepti
Applied DizzyOracel's Mod
Added HS from dopaminos
9/24:Changed audio file.
Added custom colors.
Fixed inherited timing point sync -> Replaced with bookmark.
9/27:Applied Zileni's mod for Cup - Platter, nomod for Rain/Overdose for BN check.
9/29:Applied Verti's mod for Salad - Platter:
- Platter: Fixed guideline rulebreak antiflow @ 00:21:220 - 00:25:198 + second sample repeat
- Salad: Fixed "Hyperdashes that are higher-snapped should not be followed by antiflow patterns" @ 00:30:502 - 00:31:165 + second sample repeat.
- Rain: Self-mod - Fixed missing h-dash @ 00:21:220 - 00:25:198
Applied Miya's mod for mapset.
Fixed offset from Hareimu.
Applied Greaper's tips for Salad density and flow.
9/30:Applied Greaper's snap-note fix on Salad.
Applied Miya's HS mod.
10/5:Applied Xornado's Mod about variety and clarity.
Tag fix + Minor Salad suggestion from Kagamine Rin.