Noodles unironically taste good with rice in-between. Try it, this is not a metaphor just try it.
I like the overall balance in difficulty. There are more patterns at 00:49:348 - 03:10:194 in contrast to the monotonous jumpstreams the old one had. The more diverse range of patterns also makes the map symbolize the song more aka it matches to the song more. E.G. The Glitchhop section of the song has jacks to imply the glitchy yet rhythmic sounds in the music. With more patterns comes LN, the introduction of LNs makes it so that you'll expect an LN part at the drop, the old map had a feeling that it was just going to be a jumpstream map with that as the focus, and then your hit with a sudden surprise of Hybrid at it.
The drop has a difficulty spike but the song is to blame for that. The use of LNs exemplifies the euphoric nature of the song, and as for the nerfs of the bursts I like it, it doesn't come as the chokepoint of the song as much anymore due to having parts similar in difficulty next to it. E.G. The full LN part of the drop.
Overall, despite the numerous buffs at 00:49:348 - 03:10:194, it feels like a nerf as the smooth flow in difficulty is far less apparent, unlike the old version where it was two beatmaps mashed together.
TL: DR A fun experience despite the buffs and nerfs. No jumpscare now.
I know this might be for ranked, but I'll say my opinions anyways.
00:49:348 - 03:10:194 feels like those unranked jumpstream maps that are usually 4*
03:10:944 - 03:50:917 The sudden increase in difficulty caught me off guard, I was not ready for LN. It feels like those farm maps that are just very fast hand/jumpstreams that boost your pp to oblivion. might be 5.3*
04:11:803 - 04:44:546 feels weirdly empty I don't know maybe it's just me
04:44:717 - 04:50:203 also feels like a weird warmup map. It's something like Isogu where it's just jumptrills.
04:50:246 - 04:52:903, 05:36:874 - 05:38:203, 05:47:803 - 05:49:132, 06:01:689 - 06:11:803, & 06:20:889 - 06:21:574 while easy to be maniped are some of the hardest parts of the map. Might be a 5.8*+ speed map
And the hybrid parts in between those are very easy compared to the speedbursts.
All I can say is, it's very unbalanced and repetitive as there are jump trills everywhere and jump streams.
TL: DR Difficulty ranges from 4* jumpstreams to 6* speed bursts. Me was jumpscared to oblivion.
Yeah i understand your sudden jumpscared of those pattern in the middle part, because in middle of the song (neurofunk part) the BPM itself was brutally increase from 175 to 220 so fast.
Actually if you take a look again from beginning (175) into middle part (220), i still map it with same pattern count as other parts, and even i actually nerfed the middle part (but seems it still very hard to do, lol) maybe i will nerfed it again OR maybe i will make a new diff that lower density as this diff (as like my other map), so people have more choice
00:49:348 - is nothing to do, since its beginning so i only focus improvisation of kick and backsoun echoes like 00:50:290 (50290|2,50376|1,50548|2) - in other hand, i don't want to make it non-stop 1/4 pattern
04:11:803 - but i feel nothing weird here since i focus only to piano on vocal, i don't want to map other noise
04:44:717 - i make it for build up purpose, i understand people want this harder, but it's not my style to make something like mini jacks or whatever. But maybe the design of the pattern is too weak, i will re-designed this part for more variant later
04:50:203 - etc, about this part, you can easily understand that the sound is mixed between 1/4 kick and 1/8 burst, so i decide to make it like that, maybe the placement is still need some improvement in the future (if im not lazy to rank this one) or i will make a new diff (which is lower) like i did on echoes of memoria
To be honest, this map is still far from perfect. So i don't know the plan if i will push this map further or not (or maybe let it graveyarded)
thanks for your suggestion owo)/
this song is actually have an indirect DT features hhh
edit : nerfed successfully