00:11:023 (1,2,3) - For higher difficulties these can be two similar to being 3 notes in a row, even with that higher spacing on 00:11:380 (3) - because the objetcs are visually close together
00:11:856 (4,1) - Same
00:12:570 (2,3,1) - in this case it is inconsistent since you added an extra circle on 00:12:690 (3) -
00:15:785 (3,4,6) - Spacing is too similar although 00:16:142 (4) - is a 1/1 rhythm. Could increase the spacing to 00:16:142 (4) - to avoid unintentional misreads
00:31:023 (7,8) - these sounds are clearly distinct from 00:30:666 (5,6) - but they are being mapped in the same way. Could try spacing or even use a slider on 00:31:023 (7,8) - to better show the difference of those sound
00:37:809 (2,3) - Same here, could add a circle on 00:38:166 and them add the slider on that white tick 00:38:285 to bring the contrast between those sounds
00:33:106 (6,7) - could NC to show it's not a regular 1/3 rhythm but an 1/6 rhythm. It visually looks like 00:30:785 (6,7) - this for example