mapped by Haypzeh
This beatmap was ranked on 12 February 2025!
nominated by Greenshell and Boaz
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00:54:121 - could maybe do [ddd][kkk] or [dd] [kk] to catch the buzz more accurately? it lasts until 00:54:383 so mapping wise it would make sense, though i understand if it's overkill to play

same thought at 03:22:493


a bit too overkill to play i think :/

Marked as resolved by Haypzeh

oops this is uone's part mb

Reopened by Haypzeh

this sounds bothers me, but I won't do it for play feel 🙇

Marked as resolved by uone

01:15:344 - how about a slowdown for these kd doubles where the psytrance bass fades out? you could do a gradual slowdown of 1x -> 0.925x on 01:16:326, then jump back to 1x on 01:16:392 where the music picks back up again


good idea ! i agree

Marked as resolved by Haypzeh



01:29:230 - most of the 1/6 quads in this part are actually 1/4, in fact all of them except 01:36:960 are 1/4. i get the intent of wanting to make things stand out more through usage of higher snaps, but i'd argue you could opt for a bit of creative improve instead, perhaps through some more dense 1/4 patterns to match the hardcore/speedcore-ish intensity, or some blue tick oriented improv, similar to what uone occasionally did in his parts, but with your own twist



Marked as resolved by Haypzeh

01:44:951 - for snappings, try out this:

191 starts on 01:44:951

the first two 1/8 triples capture the buzz, which is 1/8 in both cases, though the first one is a bit choppy. the 1/6 quad captures the xylophone-esque notes, and the 1/8 double after that indicates that the buzz is longer than the one on 01:45:475 .

if you want to be even more unhinged, you could do this too:


i prefer the second option but 1/8 + 1/6 seems to bit slightly overkill so i'll go with 1/6+1/4 -w-)b

Marked as resolved by Haypzeh

Would reconsider the triplet? You didn't comment on it so I thought I'd mention it.

I personally wanted to suggest doing a kkk triplet there instead since I personally didn't feel like I was finishing the sound there while playing.

A full triplet would feel more complete to me and also give the player enough room to do the finisher, especially with the higher SV, reading wouldn't be an issue here.

Reopened by Boaz

Added 01:45:508 (201) - k instead to match the 1/8 doublet.
I don't really like 3plet idea because it doesn't leave enough space for the finisher imo

Marked as resolved by Haypzeh

01:45:737 - this part is so good


Could kkD at 02:29:361 to also get the last note as a finisher? feels a bit odd skipping it while playing because of the contrast with the other 2 finishers after.

The melody really feels like an X X X in the background, but if you'd wanna omit the finisher here for consistency with the other triplets I'd also be okay with that.


I prefer omitting this finisher because I feel like X x xxx X X is playing a lot better but that was a cool idea

Marked as resolved by Haypzeh

02:46:953 (19) - i'm sure the unsnap here is intentional (1/5 starting on 1/9 tick), but i feel like the note will be more accurate on 02:46:949 . thoughts?


it's kinda the same for me so i'll let uone decide -w-b



Marked as resolved by uone

I personally don't really understand the 1/9 quad on 02:52:757, since I can't find anything that really follows this in the music.

I recommend deleting this and just making it a 1/6 stream to be consistent with the rest. This is the only 1/9 pattern in the entire stream while nothing really changes in the music.

02:52:121 = 02:52:667 in the music so it felt strange playing something totally different the 2nd time the part appeared for me.


02:57:121, 03:01:485, 03:03:666 - same if you decide to apply


okay 🥲

Marked as resolved by Haypzeh

I think it'd be nice to connect 03:14:240 to the finisher at 03:14:371 by placing a kat in between them.

In my opinion, this gives more effect to the finisher and emphasize the song's sudden transition to the finishers.

You give the player enough room to read this with the high sv so I think it'd be totally doable and not something that'd be hard at all at this level of play!



Marked as resolved by uone

I highly recommend mapping 03:18:825, for both consistency with 03:16:860 and also to emphasize the kick here, which is the main part of this song's section!



Marked as resolved by uone

Might aswell make 03:23:148 a quad 1/6 as the song suggests since you're having the small break at 03:23:345?

I think this adds an extra layer of intensity to this section and you can definitely afford to this with the break right after imo



Marked as resolved by uone