HS mod
All diffs
02:22:123 - Please add something besides the drum-hitnormal, just a soft-hitwhistle is good enough
00:23:623 - and 03:26:623 - Is the normal-hitwhistle on the sliderbody here intentional?
00:43:310 - another sliderbody hitsound, this time soft-hitwhistle, is this intentional?
00:31:873 - Should be addition soft instead of sampleset, you're missing a kick sound
00:48:654 - Missing drum-hitnormal?
02:28:216 (7) - Please remove the soft sampleset here because you're missing the kick feedback of the normal-hitnormal
Same for 02:30:841 (6) - 02:32:904 (2) - 02:47:716 (6) -
Top diff
01:46:498 - This is the only diff that uses normal-hitfinish instead of the soft-hitfinish, was this intentional?
all fixed, only kept the normal-hitwhistle sliderbody on 00:23:623 (5) - 03:26:623 (1) - 04:02:623 (3) - to emphasize the guitar/voice