Hi. I'm here to help you with the metadatas!
Artist: 塞壬唱片-MSR (good)
Romanised Artist: Monster Siren Records (good)
Title: Mystic Light Quest (good)
Image: 1920x1080, 418kb (good)
Audio: My Spek says the current audio is 96kbps, please consider replacing it
Set diff owners of "Boring's Extra"
The diffs except "3Ha's ver.1.2.1" need preview points set
Source: 明日方舟
Add Tags: jpop j-pop j pop video game japanese ost futurecore arknights 5th anniversary side story ss inudi harek horakhet 太阳甩在身后 taiyang shuai zai shenhou taiyang_shuai_zai_shenhou adventure that cannot wait for the sun ming ri fang zhou ming_ri_fang_zhou 명일방주 アークナイツ 鹰角网络 hypergryph hyper gryph hyper_gryph 鹰角 ying_jiao ying_jiao_wang_luo ying jiao wang luo 塞壬唱片 msr sai ren chang pian sai_ren_chang_pian 佩佩 pepe machico kotonohouse ranasol
I'm also an arknights fan, so I can't wait to see this beatmap get ranked! Good Luck!
Official page: https://monster-siren.hypergryph.com/music/880310
Wiki(Fanmade): https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Mystic_Light_Quest
Wiki(Official): https://prts.wiki/w/Mystic_Light_Quest
Part of the tags stolen from here: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1768186