The use of finishers in Kantan, Muzu, Oni and Inner is a little inconsistent and many important sounds have been ignored. I recommend that you and GDer check the following points and turn them into finishers in the diffs that aren't yet.
00:01:199 - 00:10:611 - 00:18:846 - 00:21:199 - 00:30:611 - 00:40:023 - 00:52:964 - 01:02:375 - 01:11:787 - 01:21:199
Important points to consider: Don't add finishers to 1/4 patterns in muzu, don't add finishers at the beginning of 1/4 patterns in Oni and avoid finishers at the beginning of 1/4 patterns in inner (this is optional, but it's uncomfortable to play).
I feel that the OD of the map is a bit lower than it could be, and it also has the same value in Futsuu and Muzu.
HP also has a big decrease in Muzu and remains the same in Oni.
I suggest increasing the OD a bit and even following a slightly more linear increase, as it fits well with full spreads. The same goes for HP, which could also be a bit more linear so that the increase in difficulty is more balanced. Here are my suggestions:
Kantan: HP 8 - OD 3
Futsuu: HP 7 - OD 4
Muzu: HP 6 - OD 5
Oni: HP 5,5 - OD 5,5
Inner: HP 6 - OD 6
[!] Just a reminder that according to the Rank Criteria for Muzu diffs: HP Drain Rate should be 6 or more
. There may be exceptions to this, but I don't think it fits here due to the low note count.
i noticed some difficulty name inconsistencies: you can choose to either make the gd diffs in all lowercase (josh's futsuu & 7ava's oni) or capitalize all non-gd (Kantan, Muzukashii, Sekai wo kaeru)
Metadata check
The original title and artist name in Japanese has not been added, and Futsuu does not have the "(TV Size)" marker.
Add the title → 小さな恋のうた (TV Size)
Artist name → アーリャ(CV: 上坂すみれ)
The romanization is correct, but I'll also leave it here in case you want to copy it for Futsuu, which has an incomplete title:
Romanized title → Chiisana Koi no Uta (TV Size)
Romanized artist name → Alya (CV: Uesaka Sumire)
The tags are also inconsistent between diffs and there are some repetitive ones that could be removed, such as "Alya" which is already in the Artist Name. I'll leave the tags below for you to copy and paste in all diffs so they're consistent:
tokidoki bosotto russia-go de dereru tonari no alya-san Аля иногда кокетничает со мной по-русски alya sometimes hides her feelings in russian roshidere ロシデレ alisa mikhailovna kujou アリサ・ミハイロヴナ・九条 Алиса Михайловна Куджо Кудзё masachika kuze 久世政近 anime ed ending japanese pop jpop j-pop rock jrock j-rock JoshEco4 7ava russia roshia go roshia-go kadokawa 第5話 episode 5 エンディングテーマ
The quality of the current BG is a bit low. I got a file with slightly higher quality, you can use this one instead:
I also suggest that you adjust the height of the BG to something like 0,40 in the .osu file to better focus on the character's face. To do this, simply change the following numbers:
After that, just save the .osu file and close the diff without saving for this to apply. Make sure you have saved other changes to the map before doing this.
This part is subjective, and doesn't need to be applied if you don't want, but I've saved the original version of the image in case you want to use it as a BG →
If you prefer to change the image, I recommend making the same adjustment mentioned above, 0.40 in the .osu file to focus better on her face.