00:34:990 (1) - until 00:43:046 (7) - is just a big counter clock wise rotation for almost 10 seconds. I'd recommend switching up the movement at least once during this period to make gameplay more interesting.
01:24:990 (5,6) - be consistent with your rythms. Before you mapped it differently on 01:18:324 (5,6,7) - when it's the same vocals.
01:27:629 (1,1,1,1,1) - I don't really see the reason for the NC spam. The vocal ends on 01:27:768 (1) - so I'd suggest keeping this NC, but the other one's I don't really understand, so I recommend removing those, unless you have a reason for them.
01:33:879 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - This rythm is messed up. The hi-hats you were mapping with the stream start on 01:33:972 - and use a 1/6 rythm. 01:34:712 (2) - also doesn't represent anything, so I'd suggest extending 01:34:435 (1) - further instead of starting a new slider.