Please check the finishers consistency in all diffs:
00:28:760 / 00:29:500 / 00:32:463 / 00:47:278 / 01:04:686 / 01:13:945 / 01:25:797 to 01:36:167 / 01:36:167 / 01:44:130 / 01:45:056 / 01:48:019 / 02:01:352 / 02:01:723 / 02:08:760 / 02:16:908 / 02:29:500 / 02:29:500 to 02:39:871 / 03:06:537 / 03:18:389 / 03:45:056/ 03:50:982 to 03:55:426 / 04:06:352 / 04:07:278 / 04:10:241
I highly recommend you use this tool by Alchyr:
This allows you to edit 5 diffs at the same time, which is very helpful for checking consistency.
(9/9/24) - After updates these are still not fully addressed:
01:19:871 - K/M/O/I = Kat, F = Don
Turn the Don Finisher into a Kat Finisher in [Normal]
01:25:797 ~ 01:36:167 - This is quite inconsistent across all diffs
personally, I would only finisher 01:25:797 & 01:31:723 & 01:36:167
02:08:760 - K/F/O/I = Finisher, M = Normal
Turn the (kat) normal note into a (kat) Finisher note in [Hard]
Pattern adjustment suggestions:
[Hard], [Lunatic], & [Top Diff] - 02:26:908 - make into k-k-d to follow vocals better (and to match with [Normal])
For Top Diff: remove the note at 02:27:000 and follow above
[Hard], [Lunatic], & [Top Diff] 02:35:056 - dkK --> kdK to follow vocals better
[Normal], [Hard], [Lunatic], & [Top Diff] 02:38:019 ~ 02:39:871 - kdd-dkk-dkK --> kkd-ddk-kdK
For [Normal], the pattern would be: k-d-ddk-kdK
[Normal], [Hard], [Lunatic], & [Top Diff] 03:53:574 ~ 03:54:686 - kdd-dkk --> kdk-ddk
For [Normal], the pattern would be: d-k-ddk
replace instrumental
with japanese
Removed genonroku
because already appeared in Artist
Removed project
because it was duplicated
00:01:308 You could move this redline to 00:02:484 and delete 00:01:308 (1,2) - cuz the song actually starts at 00:02:484
Inner Oni and Oni:
01:37:649 Consider removing the svs here cuz the intensity of the song does not change much, so there is no need to add a slow sv.
I noticed that you used the diff name [Lunatic] for oni., so you could also use the diff names [Easy] [Normal] [Hard] in Touhou Project for other diffs.
Current MP3 file is not rankable. As RC says
The audio file of a beatmap must have an average bit rate no greater than 192 kbps for .mp3 files, or 208 kbps for .ogg files / have an average bit rate no lower than 128 kbps, if such a source exists. Otherwise, use the highest quality available
Current bit rate is 320 kbps, so you should use a tool to reduce the bitrate to 192 kbps.
Please check the offset after changing the audio file
current offset is wrong, please change your offset:
the first red line is: 2395
delete the second red line
the third red line is: 23564
Please move all your objects and greenline to align them with the timeline after changing the offset
and apply the mods after changing the offset
Those are inconsistencies you can easily avoid by checking Mapset Verifier made by Naxesss on GitHub.
(Also, Hivie made a plugin for taiko specific checks. It is quite a handy tool !)
Inconsistent source fields between difficulties :
Use 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith
for K-F-M-O as you have in Inner Oni.