Mp3 (converted into ogg and updated):
Video: (it's region locked, downloaded using video downloader and removed audio manually)
Meta (I think?):
00:00:360 - 00:46:513 - 01:41:898 - 01:51:129 - applied normal-hitnormals along with other instances (hopefully not much missing but I could double check the set again for some missing hs)
02:24:013 - applied drum-hitclap
00:47:667 - and 00:50:167 - applied soft-hitfinishes. 00:00:360 - 00:15:744 - prefer not to put there since there's no cymbals there.
I also tried to make my hs being consistent with Akitoshi's, but the main reason that it's different is actually because of the different song intepretation where my diff's rhythm missed some beats compared to Akitoshi's and therefore the hs is different to give appropiate feedback for respective diffs (eg: 02:28:629 - has finish on Akitoshi's but not on mine since it lands on sliderneds, 03:18:436 - is clap on Akitoshi's while it's also has finish on mine bcs of the rhythm pause on 03:18:051 - )