mapped by N4iveDx
This beatmap was ranked on 20 January 2025!
nominated by -MysticEyes and Monoseul
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im doing this because im a little bored jej

192 kbps // .ogg
1920 x 1080 // 758 kb
Unicode Artist: Good Kid
Romanized Artist: Good Kid
Unicode Title: From the Start
Romanized Title: From the Start

english indie rock Good Kid 4 ep 4 cover male vocal vocals vocalist laufey bewitched dump streams stamina technical tech Relae Sillot [-Ukiyo-] -Ryu-

  • english indie rock Song genre
  • Good Kid 4 ep 4 Name of the album where the cover appears
  • cover Because it is a cover duhhhhh
  • vocal vocals vocalist Idk what to say about this ngl
  • laufey bewitched Original artist & album name
  • dump streams stamina technical tech Patterns
  • Relae Sillot [-Ukiyo-] -Ryu- GDers & HSder
    I removed alvaro64360 for his recent name change

im not sure if Good Kid 4 should be in the tags since Good Kid is in the artists archive lol


quick correction about the audio quality:

so it's actually 180kbps, not 192. Usually you can't trust whatever bitrate Spek shows since (I think) it rounds up or down to certain common bitrates. This bitrate is totally fine ofc but iirc sometimes spek says a bitrate is rankable when it actually isn't

mapset verifier does show the actual bitrate at the bottom of the overview tab though! I like to use a program called mediainfo to see the bitrate since I can get to the bitrate slightly faster, but I'll mention the mapset verifier thing since more people have that.


So i need an audio change?
Anyways thx 4 the correction


nope! you're totally fine, I just wanted to let you know about spek being bad about bitrates so you know for the future :D

edit: also Good Kid 4 is find to add to the tags due to this allowance in the RC: Words already present in other metadata fields may be repeated in tags if they are part of longer terms or phrases.

since 4 doesn't really make sense to read on its own, Good Kid can be added in


unsnapped notes in relae's diff are all 1/10s btw!!!


Metadata source:

(I'll start posting stuff Wednesday or Thursday, sorry for the wait btw!!!)


