Um, actually it's for drum like sound. And I think the violin is in 1/2. So I think it will be annoying If I put 1/4 note in 1/2 LN. Also I don't want to make this diff LN Heavy, making that 1/4 LN will make it more LN Heavy I think. So I will leave it be
For calm part, I think mapping it as one LN is better, because it will make better feel than mapping glitching flute
00:53:401 - 00:58:919 - , and many other timestamps in kiai
are these also intended to be empty? some parts of the kiai with the same "riff-y" flute sounds, you mapped them including the blue ticks (ex. 00:55:169 (55169|0,55240|1,55311|2) -) so why not fill the other spaces too?
02:11:302 (131302|0,131302|1,131302|2,131302|3) - ignore this if it's intended but just a suggestion, what if this quad was to be reduced into a triple to make way for the flute "riff" sound?
Um, This is like end of dense pattern which is another calm section. So ending it with Quad and simple pattern is better feel I think