00:13:470 - 00:26:270 - 02:34:270 -
i could understand what you want to do here but i think 1/12 would be too overdone? it would plays much more comfortable if they are 1/8s instead. if you are actually not willing to change this then please leave this thread open i would like to collect some more opinions from other bns before actually pushing this map into qualified.
I just don't consider this a problem
the sound is short enough that I believe 1/12 just makes more sense, and in terms of difficulty
for top diff, it's not at all difficult compared to the rest of the map
for inner, it's not as hard due to being same color doublet
though I'm fine with changing 00:26:270 in the inner to make it Not have 1/2 leading into it
do similar stuff to lower diffs as well
and i think it's beneficial espeically for muzu considering how repetitive this section in muzu is, dropping the density here can really help the contrasts and rhythm variety
but not really need to nerf 02:18:670 - in muzu, it looks fine as it is
01:43:470 - ~ 01:56:270 -
honestly this section still feel really intense in song (and still in the chorus) I don't really think the current density is justifiable. ideally the density here should have higher or same density comparing with the next section 01:56:270 - . it really comes to my concern when I can see it's a lot sparse than the section at 01:56:270 - , the drums are just so intense here
I agree that it's still intense, but I just don't think the same density of mapping is supported by the music here
the main melody is purely longer sounds + very clear 1/2, compared to the section before where the melody is doing a constant alternating high/low pitch sound (there's a music word for this probably but I dunno what it is) and also has piano behind it
gameplay-wise I'm fine with it because having a break between the intense kiai and the again intense next section is nice to have