PHANTOM MINDS 对我来说是一个巨大的惊喜,从那时起我就一直期待有人能做这首 BRIGHT STREAM ,没想到最后是由我自己来完成。我知道我的技术不如Lasse或者其他经验丰富的麻婆,你也可以不喜欢这张图,但我仍然希望能把这个系列动画推荐给任何读到这里的人。
Lyrical Nanoha Series is the "entrance" of anime culture for me. My every contacts and favors on all different type of ACG works were developed from this anime. When I started my osu! career back in summer 2015, I downloaded all ranked maps related of Nanoha or Mizuki Nana, but soon I found them out of date or old-style mostly, and it's quite impossible to expect people to map any new pieces from an old anime like this. Lasse's OWC2020 Custom
PHANTOM MINDS was a great surprise and hype for me, and from then on I was expecting a BRIGHT STREAM map, but at the end it was myself doing so. I know my mapping skills are not as good as Lasse and many other great names, so it's fine if you can't enjoy, don't like, or even hate this map. But I still love to recommend Nanoha Series to everyone and thank you for reading all above.