00:12:028 (1) - to give more importance to a loud moment, I advise you to replace this note with a 1/4 slider with low sv
00:20:487 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't understand why you decided to do less spacing here, you have a pretty good spacing here 00:17:487 (2,3,4,5,6) - why don't you do something like this?
00:39:425 (1,2) - you lowered the spacing too abruptly and unsuccessfully, since there is no noticeable change in the song, just make it bigger ig
00:52:737 (4,1,2) - this rhythm is a little disappointing, here's the idea of a good rhythm
you can replace this slider 00:52:737 (4) - with some jumps for guitar, or try do that:
01:04:737 (4,1,2) - 01:40:737 (4,1,2) - etc. same
00:56:112 (1,2,3) - it seems that (3) is deprived of attention here, especially if compared with 01:08:112 (1,2,3) - or 01:44:112 (1,2,3) -
try changing the shape or placing it a different
01:27:425 - 01:31:175 it seems that you have forgotten about the existence of 1/1, since it is difficult to play at the moment, and it would be nice to see at least some change, for example here 01:27:987 (4) - or 01:30:800 (3) -
01:53:487 (2,3) - this overlay actually looks out of place, just pull the slider down like here
да епта 01:36:050 (3) здесь то просто том, а здесь 02:12:050 (3) на конце слайдера бочка :/
02:12:425 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - такие рандом джампы без какой логической эмфазис структуры просто убивают геймплев когда просто водишь мышкой безраздумно
коенчно, вещь скорее уже сабджектив в нынешних реалях, но для меня она никогда не станет субъективной просто потому, что спам кружочками, создавая фарм паттерны, являются худшим из всех репрезентацией сонга, и было бы куда приятнее обдать их разным спейсингом / дать какую-либо структуру им
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as sad as it may be, but it's true, at the moment the gameplay here looks dull and lazy against the background of the rest of the parts
agree with 619, there are moments in this part where you can highlight quieter sounds with small spacing and loud sounds with large, for example this 02:12:987 (4,5,6) - can be reduced in order to give contrast here 02:13:550 (7,8) -
you can also replace this 02:18:049 (7,8) - with slider to give more meaning to the next note (which has a finisher)
02:30:050 (3) - to highlight the sound of the cymbal, try to do this: 02:30:237 slider can start here, and you can put a note here 02:30:050