00:17:190 (6,2) - usually normal diff players with patterns like this get confused with sliderhead/tail mechanics and will read the tail of (2) as a head sometimes as its the most obvious linear path from (6)
00:58:590 (2,3) - in reference to #4422527 a quick way to increase density would be to make stuff like this circle + 1/2 instead like
01:18:540 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ok so like this rhythm kinda makes a lot of important sounds passive or skips them like 01:20:940, 01:22:590 its also a little inaccurate and hard to follow what layer u intend to map, do u wanna try smth more like this to prioritize/catch more of the vocals like ur kiai does