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Some weird pattern distribution

00:27:739 - ~ 00:29:140 -
00:30:262 - ~ 00:31:383 -
00:33:626 - ~ 00:35:589 -

If you look at these parts, you will see that their col 1 (1/2/3/4) has almost no LN presence, which is a bit weird, because if this is intentional, then there is nothing in common between the above time paragraphs for them to do such a thing

I strongly recommend that you change some of the arrangements to make them more visually balanced

In addition
00:35:869 - ~ 00:37:271 -
00:38:393 - ~ 00:39:234 -
00:42:598 - ~ 00:43:439 - (col 4)
they are the same problem



Marked as resolved by QwertYui345

There are many problems in this section
01:05:028 - ~ 01:20:729 -

  1. Obvious sounds not captured
    01:05:379 - 01:07:622 - 01:09:865 - 01:12:108 - 01:14:351 - 01:16:594 - 01:18:837 -
    These sounds are clear at 100% speed, and I don't think it would be a good idea to ignore them, although the LN pattern is stronger in these areas

Here is an example that you can apply to almost all of the above points

  1. Consistency(1)
    01:05:168 - 01:07:411 - 01:09:654 - 01:11:897 - 01:14:140 - 01:16:383 - 01:18:626 -
    First, I can understand 01:09:654 - why LN, since it lacks a knock compared to other time points

But 01:14:140 - 01:18:626 - as LN, there will be obvious consistency problems

So I suggest you adjust it all to a 2 notes transition like 01:05:168 -

This suggestion also includes 01:09:654 - so that they don't have different patterns in similar places that stand out too much

  1. Consistency(2) + LN duration
    This part is for all 1/8 LN in this paragraph. I will give the reasons why I do not recommend using 1/8 LN here
  • 214 BPM
  • OD 7.6

These two reasons are the main ones, it will make these 1/8 LN extremely difficult to grab, and they are almost the same as rice in this case, just with an extra quick release

In addition, the distribution of 1/8 LN in the entire paragraph is relatively random. Some places that should be 1/8 LN are not 1/8 LN (like 01:08:568 - ). I guess the logic is that melody is two consecutive same pitches

I would rather recommend you to use 1/4LN, which is a relatively better solution

btw 01:09:129 - 01:13:615 - 01:18:101 - These three places need to make some arrangement changes at the same time, otherwise the distance between LN tails and the next LN will be very small, and its difficulty is basically the same as 1/8 LN
For these three places, this is my arrangement suggestion

additional, 03:30:823 - ~ 03:39:795 - also requires similar mods


all accepted, thank u very much!!!! btw about patterns like osu://edit/01:09:654 i decided to change them all to LNs ;)

Marked as resolved by QwertYui345

check aimod (ctrl+shift+a) as theres seems to have unsnapped kiai's



Marked as resolved by QwertYui345