mapped by Nasugami Niaro
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Make the singing part stronger.
(All diff)


i did remade and change some part of the difficulty and made the singing part much stronger now!

Marked as resolved by Nasugami Niaro

Mapset Verifier says that the video shouldn't use have audio channels. I don't know why but prolly for size.


do you have a way to remove a video sound? i can't figure it out since 3 hours ago


You could mute it using software or just use this website.


i tried to do like every single way to remove the sound without the file size become larger but i couldn't, do you have any advice to remove the video sound without the file size becoming larger than before?


Did you cange the export settings to match the video quality? e.g. 480p video inputted, export to 480p or less.


It took me about a days to understand how but here i did it! i remove audio from the video and made the file smaller! if there is anything i need to do more you're able to tell me!

Marked as resolved by Nasugami Niaro

should probably "project sekai" and/or "colorful stage" to tags since the song is now in that game


yeah i think so!

Marked as resolved by Nasugami Niaro

too much parts of the maps in the whole set are mapped in 1/16, which makes notes slightly off beat. you gotta put everything on 1/4 snapping rate. also theres no preview point and unsnapped kiai end on 02:21:405


ohhh! Thank you so much for the suggestion! i'll fix it

Marked as resolved by Nasugami Niaro