00:12:130 (6,1) - buff spacing into (1) for the downbeat, current spacing is super underwhelming
00:17:992 (1,2) - could space these out instead of stack bc emphasis on 00:18:165 (2) - is way too low imo
i did not space out 00:06:958 (1,2) - so unless u want me to space that out also, I will leave it.
00:20:061 (5) - would replace with two circles since this is more intense than the held vocal on 00:20:406 (6) -
00:24:544 (4,5) - ctrl g to follow vocal better since thats what youve been emphasising so far
00:35:578 (7) - replace with 2 circles to follow vocal better n songs intensity better, song is picking up here so active rhythm would reflect that better
00:36:268 (2,3,4) - ctrl g to have active rhythm on the prominent drum sounds here 00:36:613 - n here 00:36:785 -
00:37:303 (6,1) - slider leniency makes emphasis on (6) out of (5) feel a bit underwhelming, and spacing from (6) into (1) is a bit underemphasised, just space these out more
00:40:406 (2,3) - buff spacing to stay consistent with 00:39:889 (4,1) - 00:40:923 (4,5) - 00:41:441 (6,1) -
00:42:131 (3,4,5) - would make these all circles since same sounds on 00:42:303 - & 00:42:647 - but one mapped passively and one is mapped actively which is inconsistent
00:44:889 (5,6,7,8,9) - would do the reverse starting here 00:44:889 - and the active rhythm (burst) here 00:45:234 - to reflect the increase in vocal intensity
00:46:958 (1,2) - super underwhelming spacing for how hard the song & vocals are going here would rearrange pattern and hugely buff spacing
00:50:751 (5,6,1) - probably too much spacing since the vocals have actually decreased in intensity from 00:47:647 -
00:53:165 (4,5,6) - ctrl g rhythm and buff spacing to follow vocals & songs intensity better
00:53:854 - would do this rhythm https://prnt.sc/snkMUuLmIrLk so you dont have such an intense vocal passively mapped here 00:54:199 -
I kinda like how the 1/2 slider and subsequent burst covers the cool piano notes happen in background so I think i will keep this for now.
01:02:130 (1,2) - space out (1) for emphasis, stack is super underwhelming in kiai section here
01:02:303 (2,3,4) - do a different pattern where youd be able to buff spacing as vocals are peaking but movement n overall gameplay intensity is very low
01:02:303 (2) - replace with two circles as theres a vocal landing on both 01:02:303 - and here 01:02:475 - that 01:02:647 (3,4) - dont have.
this was confusing in gameplay aswell, so would recommend changing it.
01:03:337 (5,6) - also replace this with a 1/2 circle to follow all 3 vocals with the same rhythm. before you ask, I dont think the sound here 01:03:509 - is strong enough to warrant active rhythm.
01:02:992 (4,5,6,7) -
considering these are some of the most powerful vocals in the song
you sure have sotarks'd this
(boring as shit)
increase spacing or add awkwardness/speed, thanks
If i skip drums its normally on purpose to emphasize either vocals or for more rhythm variety instead of emphasizing every single drum. Would need examples.
eh i kinda like what i have now with following vocals and the drum hit but reopen if u rlly think so.
01:14:544 (1,2,3) - kinda weird movement to introduce so late into the map, would just do sharp angle stuff like you have been doing
i kinda do similar stuff like 00:34:027 (5,6,1,2,3) - so i think it is fine. It's not too hard movement and goes with the increasing piano
timestamp u gave isnt linear movement and is very different musically to 01:14:544 (1,2,3) -. Feel like your reasoning is insufficient given 01:13:165 (1,2,3,4,5) - don't follow the piano's increasing pitch.