00:19:875 note here for consistency with mapping this 1/2 sound in earlier parts (e.g. 00:18:585 (2) - and 00:17:295 (2) -)
00:28:262 (1,2,3,4) - 1/2 antiflow walk is a bit harsh for beginner imo. how about changinge smooth patterns like
00:30:044 (1,2,3,4,1) - This is a little overdone for a cup. I would remove 00:30:690 (3) - and extend 00:30:851 (4) - so that it ends where 00:31:335 (1) - is
00:35:843 (3,1,2) - is drastically more dense than 00:46:166 (3,1,2) - even though it's the same exact part of the song repeated.
Consistency in rhythm will help newer players in the game stay on and be able to "catch the beat".