mapped by StreeX
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hi it's the dude who told you to map this lolol

ty for mapping this, i now realize this song is a banger (ruby is my fav tho not kanan sadly)

instead of telling you everything to change, i'm going to list a few examples to give you ideas to improve. if it helps, pls hit the thumbs up on my posts. it increases my kudosu, and i spent a long time writing this. ty!

good luck on your mapping journey



when mapping, you should always try to represent the song as best as possible. this means listening to the vocals, melody/instrumental, and drums, and then deciding what to map from that. you can (and should) improvise, but your improvisation still has to fit with the feeling of the song.

to represent the feeling of this song, i think you should map almost all of the 1/4 doublet rhythms. 00:48:830 (210,211) is an example of one you mapped. i would also map these doublets to the instrumental/synth in the beginning (ex: 00:02:854, 00:04:805). this is really important because sometimes there's no notes on the loudest parts of the song.

  • also the drums in this section (ex: 00:19:439)
  • and the bass+drums in the kiai/chorus (ex: 00:50:781, 00:58:586, you can use triplets or doublets).

one place where i think you SHOULDN'T map the 1/4 (drums) is 00:05:537 (27,28,29,30,31). this emphasizes the instrumental/synth and creates contrast with the doublet-heavy parts. i actually like this a lot.


another important tip is to keep consistency in mind: try to map similar things in similar ways
example: 03:05:293 (49,50,51,52) - you don't map the vocals even though you did other times


here's some rules about finishers you should follow 99% of the time

  • if there is a 1/4 note next to a finisher, use a different color
    example: 01:26:269 (21,22,23) - you should unfinish these, especially because it's the same sounds as 01:25:537 (18,19,20)
  • don't place a note 1/4 after a finisher. there's usually no reason to do this because the finisher echoes over the next note anyway.
    example: 00:48:830 (210,211) - this shouldn't be a finisher btw, because there is nothing special in the song there
    00:17:732 (85) - this isn't 1/4 but same idea as above

sliders can be used for held vocals/sounds, but i don't think it works for this song. the slider ticks are 246bpm so it also sounds too intense, and osu doesn't let you change it. based on the song, i think it's best to map to the instrumental here
here's how i would map it (time is 00:54:074):


01:42:244 (1) - i would remove this spinner because of the instrumental silence. even if you're mapping to the vocals, the vocal at 01:42:610 is more important, and it's not represented.

i think a spinner might be ok in osu standard, but taiko spinners are loud and mashy xD


01:42:976 (1) - delete this because there's no sound here


00:06:756 (32,33,34,35,36,37,38) - the coloring puts emphasis on the k's when there's no important sounds there. kddkdkd works better, for example.


00:11:025 (54,55,56,57) - kkkk is kind of boring and it doesn't represent the pitch change


Yo! Thanks for making the time to actually play and give me some feedback (you are the 1st one ever to do this and I've asked alot of people for help) i'll take all of what you said anf implement it on the map once i have the time, Thanks alot


I did the changes you pointed out, let me know what you think!
