Your current audio is 177kbps encoded to 21.9Khz which is pretty bad quality and unrankable.
I got you a better audio file that is 128kbps encoded to 16.5Khz, although this isn't the best you can get it is the best I could find, it helps tone down the overencoded aspects of your audio while also helping with the size of the mp3. (Honestly the song is so old it's hard for me to find a good sounding mp3 that is not just edited or a remix)
Download link:
The video's offset should be set to -687ms as it fits better with the original version of this opening, the current one being used (which is just 0ms) feels off timing with the song in all scenarios.
(For reference I found: not the best point of reference but it was kind of hard to find this opening anywhere else without bad quality due to how old this opening is).